Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Work process - A Man

After deciding to do the project related to self-identity, I kept on thinking about the film Boys Don't Cry, based on a real-life story,where the main character, a young woman struggles with gender identity and wants to change her sexuality.
Taking influence from that film, I have decided to take some photographs of myself dressed up as a man. The photographs are far from perfect, and some of them are in black-and-white, although taken with the digital camera, however I was also using a film camera, so the actual photographs are going to be from film and I'm going to work on them in darkrooms, so the photographs that I'm posting at the moment are just process of work and development of idea.

I quite like this photograph as even though I know this is me and everyone who knows that is me will now right away but I feel that I don't look like a girl in this photograph, and that is what I was trying to achieve.
The composition is not perfect. I don't like the fact that the background isn't plain but I will finish shooting my film tomorrow and process it on Wednesday, so I'll how these photographs came out on film, and perhaps I can get rid of all the bits of background that I don't need in the darkroom.
I quite like the rather plain lighting as I feel it adds to the subject of the photograph, just a "man" in a suit, not passing much of personality to the viewer, however the fact that the sitter is not actually a man tranforms the meaning, which is what I want to explore. How different we can be, what we are, what we show of ourself, and whether it is our true nature we choose to show or a shell we use to hide from people.

I like this photograph. I like the composition and the lighting. Mainly though, it's the subject matter, this typical image of a man with hands in his pockets, top buttons of a shirt opened up, tie undone. I think I have managed to tranform this arrogant kind of masculinity, which I feel is important as here it is challenged through being portraited by a girl, and that for me challenges the perspective on what is masculine and what is feminine, and how it is represented in media and seen in our society.

This photograph I feel is the least successful out of all of the "man" photographs.
I have attempted to create the rock-&-roll kind of look. The cool, bad-boy look, the kind of look to which the female magazines refer as"the boyfriend you would not want to introduce to your parents".
However, in comparison to the other two photographs, I feel this one doesn't transform the message of masculinity, to be more precise stereotypical masculinity. Perhaps, it's the set-up, the pose or the lighting, I am not quite sure what it is that doesn't work about this image but personally I see it as the least successful one.


  1. I really like your idea, your photographs look really cool, very realistic too. Yeah I agree, doing some photographs without the stuff in the background will allow ya audience, not get distracted, unless you make the background be involved in your images... I have seen the film; 'Boys Don't Cry'relates quite well to what you are doing... Good choice. : )

    Catty x

  2. Im really impressed with these, you actually look like a man. Going through all the blogs, and just glancing at your photographs, I didn't realise it was you. This idea is really interesting. Are you planning on making yourself into another character?

  3. great, clearly this is an idea that connects with people let's see some more pictures..

